7 个问题,反思去年,启动未来

周末收到了 Farnam Street 邮件,分享了协助制定年度计划的 7 个问题。我将内容翻译为中文,与大家分享。

7 个问题,反思去年,启动未来
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

之前分享过「通过这 40 个问题与自我对话」,在其中解释了「时间标尺」概念以及为什么进行「自我提问」,也是我正在用做年度回顾与计划的清单。

通过这40个问题与自我对话 - 生活方法论 | 假设检验

周末收到了 Farnam Street 邮件,Shane 也分享了用来协助制定年度计划的 7 个问题。看完后非常吸引我,所以我也把这些问题加入到了自己的清单中。

我把内容翻译成了中文,与大家分享,你也可以点击下载 Farnam Street 原版 PDF 文件。

1. You're Fired - 你被解雇了


  • 如果今天重新开始接管我的生活,我将立即停止做什么?
  • 我将会开始做什么?


The most successful people ruthlessly analyze what’s working and what's not.

  • If I took over my life from scratch today, what would I immediately stop doing?
  • What would I start doing?

Hint: Imagine you took over your life today. If you wanted to be more successful,
what would you stop? What would you start? What's getting in the way?

2. More and Less - 更多与更少


  • 明年我想在什么地方花「更多」时间?
  • 明年我想在什么地方花「更少」的时间?

提示:什么给了你能量?什么让你疲惫不堪?什么给了你意义? 什么似乎是空虚的?

You'll never reach the top of the mountain unless you enjoy the climb.

  • What do I want to spend MORE time on next year?
  • What do I want to spend LESS time on next year?

Hint: What gave you energy? What drained you? What gave you meaning?
What seemed void?

3. Passive Mode - 被动模式


  • 我在哪里等待另一个人做出第一步?
  • 我可以做什么来积极进取,先下手为强?


The most successful people don't wait around for things to happen to them, they make things happen by going positive and go first.

  • Where am I waiting for another person to make the first move?
  • What can I do to go positive and go first?

Hint: Stop waiting for someone to make the first move. It doesn't matter if it is an apology or asking someone out on a date. Stop waiting for life to give you what you deserve and go out and make it happen.

4. Planting Seeds - 播撒种子


  • 我在下周能做什么,会使今年剩下的时间更轻松?
  • 今年我可以做什么,使我在明年处于更好的状况?


The most successful people are always planting seeds for the future.

  • What can I do in the next week that will make the rest of the year easier?
  • What can I do this year that will leave me in a better position for next year?

Hint: Sometimes it's about getting organized and sometimes it's about spending less money to get out of debt. The key is to do the things you need to do today to put yourself in a better position tomorrow.

5. The Inner Circle - 内部圈子


  • 我花时间与谁在一起会有负面影响?
  • 我和谁在一起会使我有所成长?


The most successful people are conscious about who they spend time with.

  • Who do I spend time with that pulls me down?
  • Who do I spend time with that lifts me up?

Willpower can only do so much. You eventually adopt the habits and mindset of the people you spend your time with. Select your friends as you would a personal board of directors.

6. Film Crew - 电影摄制组


  • 我希望摄制组看到我在做什么?
  • 有哪些事情是我正在做但不想让摄制组看到的?


If there was a film crew following you around all day documenting your success, you'd do all the things successful people do.

  • What am I doing that I'd want the film crew to see?
  • What are the things I'm doing that I don’t want the film crew to see?

Hint: You wouldn't be endlessly scrolling social media if someone was watching.

7. Goals - 目标


  • 我新年的目标是什么?
  • 我是否有合适的系统来实现这些目标?哪些方面需要改变?


The most successful people have goals they want to accomplish AND the systems in place to make them inevitable.

  • What are my goals for 2023?
  • Do I have the right systems in place to make them happen? What needs to change?

Hint: Yearly goals are great to keep your eye on the prize but it's better to break them into weekly or monthly goals to keep you going. Write them down and put them where you can see them.


  • 谢谢阅读,你可以访问网站介绍📑,更好了解本站。
  • 如果喜欢这篇内容,欢迎订阅、评论并分享给好友❤️;
  • 如果不喜欢,希望你留下建议,并分享给你讨厌的人😜。

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CMF Phone 1

CMF Phone 1

Nothing 是这两年一直在关注的品牌,从第一款耳机产品就非常喜欢他们的设计,但一直没啥机会入手。最近和太太为了些个人事务每人搞了套香港美国电话卡,手机有点不够用了,于是琢磨着想再买个安卓备用机。 结果刚好看到 Nothing 旗下 CMF 发布的新款,一眼就相中了,很快就决定入手。最为像用作备用机,最初只想买个 8 + 128 版本,但闲鱼问了一圈,这个版本都没有现货要等待。于是转向了 8 + 256 版本,淘宝普遍在 2200 左右,但大部分是香港直邮,要承担邮费以及可能的税费,感觉有点超出心理预期。后来在闲鱼找了个澳门代购可以人工背到珠海发货所以没有税费,2300 元包邮,还有首发送的替换手机壳和支架,权衡下来感觉性价比还行。 虽然看了很多图片,但拿到手开箱后还是被设计质感小小惊艳了下,背面颜色,摄像头周围磨砂,包括螺丝钉质感都和想象中一样精致,爱不释手。整体大小和 iPhone Pro Max 基本一致,但拿在手上份量差别很大,可以说轻飘飘的。把玩了段时间后由于喜欢它的颜值,

By John Cheng